Our Story


1n 1999, Greg Aronson moved back to the Quad Cities from Portland, Oregon. He immediately missed the coffee shops he had come to love during his time on the west coast. Not satisfied with any options available in the area, he founded Coffee Hound Deli, Inc. in a former gas station on Brady Street in Davenport. Two years later, he opened his first Bettendorf location.

Several other locations followed, and over the years they were either purchased by franchisees or closed. After 25 years in business, one Coffee Hound location remained on Devils Glen Road in Bettendorf. Times had changed and coffee had changed with it. It was time for something new.

Courtney Berry joined the Coffee Hound crew as a barista in 2002, and quickly became central in Coffee Hound’s growth as a company. In 2024, she officially became co-owner of the company.

Gravastar Coffee grew naturally out of our experience with Coffee Hound, our love of coffee, and our nerdy tendencies, particularly when it comes to outer space.

While we felt it was time to change names and direction with the shop, we remain proud of our important place in Quad City history and coffee culture. That’s why we continue to offer Coffee Hound brand flavored coffees, and carry on the Coffee Hound tradition of donating time and resources to various local causes.

At Gravastar Coffee, we hope you find not only your new favorite drink, but also a place where you feel welcomed. A place you are drawn to. A place where you can find coffee, friends, and community.

Why “Gravastar?”

First, let’s be honest. It just sounds cool.

While that is reason enough, we found the concept of a gravastar - an alternative to black hole theory that incorporates both classical physics and quantum physics - intriguing. We also felt it described our situation well. Gravastar Coffee is a different conceptualization of Coffee Hound, taking into account more modern coffee “theory.” Much is the same, but much is very different.

Come experience it for yourself.